Posiciones fetales, aborto, cesárea e infanticidio. Un acercamiento a la ginecología y puericultura hispánica a través de tres manuscritos medievales


  • Irene González Hernando Dpto. Historia del Arte Medieval. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/j103391
Keywords: art, science, middle ages, gynecology, fetal positions, abortion, caesarean, infanticide


This paper deals with the relation between art, science, and religion in the Iberian Peninsula from 1000 to 1400. More specifically, we propose an analysis of some topics related to pregnancy and infancy in the Peninsula, by using works of art as historical primary sources, without forgetting the religious and cultural diversity linked to the coexistence of Muslims, Jews, and Christians in medieval Spain. Thus, three manuscripts will be the central point of this paper: firstly the Christian Códice Rico of the Cantigas de Santa María (2nd half of 13th century), secondly one Late Medieval copy of the Muslim treatise of Abulcasis (beginning of the 14th century), and finally the Hebrew book Miqosi ha-Leda (14th century). Thanks to these manuscripts it will be possible to analyze certain preoccupations: the fetal positions, the abortion, the caesarean section, and the infanticide. All of them were thought as marginal knowledge, placed between life and death, and linked to female roles, what make them especially interesting as an academic topic.


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How to Cite
González Hernando, I. (2009). Posiciones fetales, aborto, cesárea e infanticidio. Un acercamiento a la ginecología y puericultura hispánica a través de tres manuscritos medievales. Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (33), 99–122. https://doi.org/10.6018/j103391