Prácticas tradicionales ganaderas en el territorio de Mértola. Primeras reflexiones en torno al pastoreo a partir de época islámica


  • Sonia Villar Mañas
Keywords: Mértola, territory, settlement, animal husbandry, Middle Ages


The aim of this study is to understand traditional animal husbandry practices in Mértola and its territory and the possible material remains left, in some cases, since the Islamic period (8th-13th century). The research has been carried out through an archaeological field survey in which all remains related to animal husbandry have been analyzed and also interviews with shepherds and cheesemakers —whose procedures follow the traditional practices— have been done. In addition, historical sources from before and after the Christian conquest (1238-1241) have been thoroughly analyzed together with an extensive bibliography on the issue of study. Conclusions drawn from the data obtained allow us to create a general outline on how animal husbandry has traditionally been in this area, besides discussing the changes and continuities that, in relation to the activity studied, have been operated within the historical societies settled here. Several interesting questions arise from the study, set here to be discussed in future research. In brief, an approach which demonstrates the importance of animal husbandry in the territory of Mértola.


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How to Cite
Villar Mañas, S. (2015). Prácticas tradicionales ganaderas en el territorio de Mértola. Primeras reflexiones en torno al pastoreo a partir de época islámica. Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (38), 233–255. Retrieved from