Medievo digital o Medievo popular. Representaciones sociales de la Edad Media en las comunidades de gamers on line


  • Íñigo Mugueta Moreno
  • Eva Tobalina Oraá
Keywords: Video games, MMORPG, Identity in the web, Middle Ages, History, Social conceptions, Virtual communities, Didactics


This study analyses the knowledge, tastes and historical interests of the users of an online strategy video game, Forge of Empires, which is set in the mediaeval period. The aim is to learn what type of historical content attracts a large number of fans of ‘historical’ video games through a qualitatitive-quantitate evaluation of the names given by the users to the alliances in which they associate themselves. In this kind of video games the players relate to each other through similar mechanisms to those used in the social networks, responding to needs of socialisation, recognition and differentiation determined by the interface. The study arises from the interest of two historians who wish to learn about the social representations of the mediaeval period that are most commonly found on the Internet, starting from them to apply possible didactic responses that could be of interest to students, go into greater detail on historical subjects and improve knowledge of the past. The results let us see that gamers seem to have a knowledge of the past linked to their preferences for historical stereotypes and formulations containing fictional parts.


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How to Cite
Mugueta Moreno, Íñigo, & Tobalina Oraá, E. (2015). Medievo digital o Medievo popular. Representaciones sociales de la Edad Media en las comunidades de gamers on line. Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (38), 161–179. Retrieved from