La inscripción funeraria de Sánchez de Butrera procedente de la Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción (Catedral Vieja) de Cartagena


  • Francisco R. Marsilla de Pascual
  • Domingo Beltrán Corbalán
  • Pedro Martínez Cavero
Keywords: Medieval epigraphy, Sanchez de Butrera, Diocese of Cartagena, Old Cathedral of Cartagena


A study of the sepulchral inscription of “Sánchez de Butrera”, from the church of Saint Mary of the Assumption, the old cathedral of Cartagena. This inscription is now preserved in the Archaeological Town Museum. In this work it is made a graphical analysis of such registration and its uniqueness and historical context are examined. The inscription is dated in 1250, shortly after the conquest of the city by Alfonso X the Wise, and in the same year that the diocese of Cartagena was restored.


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How to Cite
Marsilla de Pascual, F. R., Beltrán Corbalán D., & Martínez Cavero P. (2012). La inscripción funeraria de Sánchez de Butrera procedente de la Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción (Catedral Vieja) de Cartagena. Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (36), 105–113. Retrieved from