Migraciones de media y larga distancia en la Corona de Castilla a fines de la Edad Media: nuevas fuentes para su estudio


  • Roberto J. González Zalacain
Keywords: migratory movements, Middle Ages, Crown of Castile, judicial sources


Migratory movements are one from the demographic variables lesser known on the history of the population, especially in periods without sources, same the Middle Ages. In this paper we try to show the posibilities of other sources than usuals, the judicial sources, which can help complete the results obtained from more traditional documents.


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How to Cite
González Zalacain R. J. (2012). Migraciones de media y larga distancia en la Corona de Castilla a fines de la Edad Media: nuevas fuentes para su estudio. Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (36), 27–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/mimemur/article/view/187581