La ventaja de llegar primero. Estrategias en la pugna por la supremacía mercantil durante los inicios de los consulados de Burgos y Bilbao (1450-1515)


  • José Damián González Arce Departamento de Economía Aplicada, Área de Historia e Instituciones Económicas. Universidad de Murcia. España.
Keywords: commerce, consulates, wool, iron


This work shows the importance of institutions in the pre-capitalism, they were able to subvert the natural tendencies of economic activity. If the fight between the cities of Burgos and Bilbao Castilian control trade with Europe. Thanks to the first created before a powerful business community and then set up a consulate in order to maintain its supremacy, was able to avoid, through a series of strategies to Bilbao, with the greatest comparative advantage, such as its geographical location, its port and its fleet you snatch the top spot in European commerce during the Modern Age.


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How to Cite
González Arce, J. D. (2009). La ventaja de llegar primero. Estrategias en la pugna por la supremacía mercantil durante los inicios de los consulados de Burgos y Bilbao (1450-1515). Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (33), 77–97.