Aspectos conflictivos de la Ley de extranjería


  • Diego J. Gómez lniesta


extranjería, dere­chos fundamentales, discrecionalidad administrativa, discriminación, expul­sión, inmigración, ley, mafias, trabajo ilegal


Contrasting the extre­mely gentle administrativa view of our present law of aliens, and atter having offered in this pages other focus much more pessimistic, it can be sta­ted that, as a consequence of the administrativa discrimination, the juri­dical security only involves the partial recognition and use of rights and liberties, therefore it does not seem that the Law could solve the troubles national immigrants have to tace nor the poverty of their countries of origin. All this shouid make us notice about this problem as well as the necessity of finding not only jurídica! but also social solutions to the intricate matter of immigration, in order to help us to perceive the migratory phenomenon as a constant that contributes to theeconomical development, and the immigrant as an individual who deserves the same fundamental rights inherent in every person, as well as social, labour and social security rights; which comes to show the need of fighting against the black economy and the criminal organizations that foment the illegal immigration.



Dossier: Mujeres y Asociacionismo