Copla, flamenco and cinema: Pastora Imperio, duende and temperament


  • Benito Martínez del Baño Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España
Keywords: Flamenco, singing, dancing, tap dancing, cinema


The figure of Pastora Imperio and her contribution to the world of flamenco and its artistic confluences with other neighboring rhythms such as the copla, and also her contribution to cinema in the first years of the birth of cinema, represent a unique sum. At the beginning of the last 20th century, a small number of artists continually triumphed. These are times when the success of cuplé begins to decline and the predominance of flamenco emerges; but the copla also begins to emerge as it has reached our days. This time is also a boom period for cinema, with the still unsolved problem of the inclusion of sound integrated into the celluloid strip. Pastora Imperio, whose career starts from cuplé, first, and from flamenco danced, sung and recited, later, begins to stand out on a large scale, especially in dance, being the creator of arming. She is a contemporary of Raquel Meller and Conchita Piquer, although before them in her professional beginnings and a woman very ahead of her time. The cinematographer will knock at the door of these three women artists and leave their art captured on celluloid.


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How to Cite
Martínez del Baño, B. (2025). Copla, flamenco and cinema: Pastora Imperio, duende and temperament. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (21).