The ricardismo and its reception in the contemporary flamenco guitar


  • Norberto Torres Cortés Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: Manuel Serrapí Sánchez "Niño Ricardo", ricardismo, flamenco guitar, toque flamenco, Ramón de Algeciras, Víctor Monge "Serranito", Manolo Sanlúcar, Paco de Lucía, contemporary flamenco guitar


Transcription of the conference we gave in the Paraninfo of the University of Seville on September 24, 2024, within the framework of the XXIII Flamenco Biennial of Seville, on the occasion of the La Universidad del flamenco meetings: in memory of ``Niño Ricardo’’ on the 120th anniversary of his birth. As an informative essay, it provides a reflection on the reception of the Niño Ricardo school of playing in contemporary flamenco guitar, initiated in the sixties of the 20th century by Víctor Monge Serranito, Manolo Sanlúcar and Paco de Lucía. He delimits the concept of ricardismo, to reflect on the aesthetics of his school and its relationship with montoyismo, then on the reception of his playing in contemporary flamenco guitar, and finish with some notes on his influence on the music industry of the fifties, and the revival of the flamenco concert guitar in Spain in this decade.


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How to Cite
Torres Cortés, N. (2025). The ricardismo and its reception in the contemporary flamenco guitar. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (21).