Romería flamenca entre temblores, treguas y tiempos de guerra: cincuenta años del Ballet Español Lelia González en Nicaragua


  • María Luisa Ortega Hernández Universidad DePaúl
Keywords: flamenco, Nicaragua, Americas, Lelia González, spirituality, social transformation, community service, Brand Spain


This reflection honors an extraordinary woman, flamenco artist and teacher in the Americas: Lelia González and her 50 years leading her Ballet Español in Nicaragua. Hers is a dance among temblors, times of war, and brief intermissions of peace. From the mystical roots that nourish her dance, joy springs forth. Her rhythmic movements explode in a cadence of love, illuminating a land bleeding, still. Away from it now and my childhood, her hands, peals of drumming, continue their calling. They call me; in sisterhood, they call all her girls to live a dance of hope, a dance of peace, and to be instruments for social change.


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27-12-2023 — Updated on 03-01-2024
How to Cite
Ortega Hernández, M. L. (2024). Romería flamenca entre temblores, treguas y tiempos de guerra: cincuenta años del Ballet Español Lelia González en Nicaragua. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (20). (Original work published December 27, 2023)