La huella del flamenco en el primer cine español


  • Benito Martínez del Baño Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España
Keywords: Pastora Imperio, Raquel Meller, Spain.


From an early age, Spanish cinema has been nourished by the few artists who really succeeded in song and radio at the beginning of the last century, even with the disadvantages that this harbors, having to synchronize film and record for years in commercial shows. They are one more element in the construction of these films and in many cases their acting effectiveness depends more on the director than on their talents. They are artists who in most cases make sporadic forays into the cinema. Only a few will achieve continuity when it comes to participating in movies. While women are the ones who mostly triumph and are better weighted in the field of popular song, in the field of flamenco, it is especially men who stand out, especially in singing, and they in dancing. The most prominent and international of these actresses is Raquel Meller. But, we must not forget Pastora Imperio, who, despite her first three feature films being lost, precedes all of them in filmmaking and stands out among all in flamenco, creating her own style.


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Author Biography

Benito Martínez del Baño, Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España

Doctor en Ciencias de la Información y miembro de la Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España.


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How to Cite
Martínez del Baño, B. (2020). La huella del flamenco en el primer cine español. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (17).