The flamenco cantaores of Cartagena in the Spanish silent cinema


  • Benito Martínez Vicente Universidad Complutense
Keywords: flamenco, cantaores, cine mudo, canción popular


The study of silent films is a path that is full of interesting proposals because it leads to a film universe little explored. There is much to study and discover, being a type of cinema almost unknown today, left out and too times, despised. On the other hand, the cultivators of the popular song institute the bases and later, they revalue the native Spanish musical rhythms, isolating them of political or satirical contents and dying them of dramaturgy from a more current perspective, with a growing interest in feeding this type of compositions and to prepare shows. Thus, flamenco is the music preponderant in Spanish popular culture and in the cinema it presents its specific forms, in which it has been maintained for more than two centuries. Cartagena takes part in the silent film of the hand of its best known and prestigious cantaores.


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How to Cite
Martínez Vicente, B. (2017). The flamenco cantaores of Cartagena in the Spanish silent cinema. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (14). Retrieved from