La Didáctica del flamenco: una aproximación a su historia y algunas propuestas de trabajo


  • Miguel López Castro Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Flamenco, didáctica del flamenco, valores, áreas transversales.


The contribution that I am going to develop on these pages, will be about different aspects of the subject. On the one hand I will concentrate in setting out two directions of the Didactics of Flamenco. Today the “didactic” term is used whether we talk about the didactics we use to teach the flamenco art in any of its three facets (singing, guitar-playing and dancing), or allude to the inclusion of the flamenco art in de classrooms at any educative level. First of all I will try to clarify these two ways of considering the subject, proposing the second one like the most suitable to spread  Flamenco art to most of the population.
I will continue, giving you my annotations on the initiatives that the teaching staff has developed on including flamenco art in the classrooms. I could not forget to give the broad outlines of the way educative administration contemplates the fact of including the flamenco art in the classrooms and in which levels and subjects, it could be taught.
Finally, I will concentrate on describing briefly my contributions for the last twenty years in order to help to make “the flamenco art in school” successful: production of materials, courses, coordination of projects, etc. I will pause in the didactic units that I have published and are at the disposal of the teaching staff at the moment.


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Author Biography

Miguel López Castro, Universidad de Málaga

Maestro de Educación Primaria en el CEIP Virgen del Rosario de Totalán, Málaga. Profesor Asociado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga. Autor de diversos trabajos relacionados con la Didáctica del flamenco.
How to Cite
López Castro, M. (2010). La Didáctica del flamenco: una aproximación a su historia y algunas propuestas de trabajo. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (3). Retrieved from