Acercamiento a la evolución del baile flamenco dentro del sistema educativo artístico español


  • Bárbara de las Heras Monastero Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: flamenco dance, formal education, spanish performing arts education system, LOGSE, LOE, dance education policy


It is not until the year 2007 that Flamenco Dance will not be considered as an independent discipline in the Spanish Dance Conservatories' Curricula, which means that, till then, it depended on the speciality of Spanish Dance Studies as a subject. Therefore, the analysis of the treatment of Spanish educational policies on Flamenco Dance is to be found, in principle, in the regulatory situation of Dance Studies in our country.


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How to Cite
de las Heras Monastero, B. (2010). Acercamiento a la evolución del baile flamenco dentro del sistema educativo artístico español. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (3). Retrieved from