El estudio del marmor como nueva especialización arqueológica. Evolución historiográfica y perspectivas de futuro


  • Begoña Soler Huertas
Keywords: marble, quarry, distribution model and trade, archeometry


After a little longer than a century of dedicated studies in the use of marble in ancient times and with taking into account the development that this subject matter is currently reaching, we consider positively that the recapitulation of which has been the principle line tackled by historiography, analysing the current state of the investigation with its advances and short comings.


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How to Cite
Soler Huertas, B. (2005). El estudio del marmor como nueva especialización arqueológica. Evolución historiográfica y perspectivas de futuro. Annals of Prehistory and Archaeology, 21. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/apa/article/view/93061