El enterramiento múltiple de Cabezos Viejos (Archena, Murcia). Reflexiones sobre secuencias funerarias calcolíticas


  • Joaquín Lomba Maurandi
  • Josefina Zapata Crespo
Keywords: Copper age, burial, secundary inhumation, Southeast Spain, burial goods


The archaeological works at Cabezos Viejos founded a colective burial with remains of 23 persons, associated with an interesting burial goods. The spatial analysis of the distribution between human and material culture remains shows levels of richness and social distance on the chalcolithic group, who placed in this little cave the remains of theirs died. The different matter of ritual in relation with the burials shows some interesting questions about the different times of burial in chalcolithic period.


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Author Biography

Josefina Zapata Crespo

Universidad de Murcia
How to Cite
Lomba Maurandi, J., & Zapata Crespo, J. (2005). El enterramiento múltiple de Cabezos Viejos (Archena, Murcia). Reflexiones sobre secuencias funerarias calcolíticas. Annals of Prehistory and Archaeology, 21. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/apa/article/view/93001