The designated "phoenician" colonization will be a competitive process, not only from the phoencian city of Tyre, but also had to participate other cities as Ashkelon, Dor, Akko, Tyre, Sidon, Arwad, Te11 Silkis and some cypriot cities as Salamina, Kition or Amathus. This would explain the massive presence of phoenician foundations in the Iberian Peninsula benveen the VIIIth and VIIth centuries B.C., in some instances real cities already from the VIIIth century B.C. as Gadir or Lixus.The nvo analyzed cases of Tkr and Mfwi, with Trojan War connections, c. 1193 b.C., they do not indicate the arrival to the Iberian Peninsula of Trojan inhabitats or Peoples of the Sea c. 11 86 a.c., but some type of collaboration benveen the Egyptian MsWs: then, the hegemonic state, the Tkr of Te1 Dor, Tyre, Biblos, and perhaps also Salamina, c. 950-850 B.C., what would explain their participation together in the phoenician colonization. A relationship that, as reflects the statement and travel of Wenamun, at least go back to second half of the XIth century, c. 1075 B.C. If is accepted the Massieni-Mfwf relationship, not only would explain the coincidence benveen the coastal area occupy by the Massieni and the phoenician area in the mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, but also that the cities that Avieno and Hecateo designate massienas or mastienas as Massia (Murcia), Sixo (Almuñécar, Granada), Menobora (;Toscanos?, Málaga) y Sualis (Castle of Fuengirola, Málaga), they would be in reality phoenician colonies.
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