El ocio en el ámbito doméstico de la arquitectura hispanorromana: las termas


  • Virginia García Entero
Keywords: Otium, Domestic architecture, baths, domus, villa


The domestic sphere was one of the settings in which not only daily family tasks but also activities related to otium and negotium of the dominus took place. Thus, viridaria, triclinia and oeci were spaces used to welcome friends and customers and to express the owner’s social and economic position. Also, baths were part of the public area of the privileged Roman home, especially since the change of era. After the addition of the cold water pool to the bath itinerary and a series of technical innovations linked to the creation and distribution of heat, the bath itinerary would be permanently fixed and the building that housed the bath activities standardized.


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How to Cite
García Entero, V. (2008). El ocio en el ámbito doméstico de la arquitectura hispanorromana: las termas. Annals of Prehistory and Archaeology, 253–272. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/apa/article/view/178121