El pavimento musivo como elemento en la construcción del espacio doméstico


  • Irene Mañas Romero
Keywords: Roman mosaic, Domestic architecture, Spatial organization, Visual culture, Commodities, Artisanal production


The ornamental paving (opus tessellatum, decorated opus signinum and opus sectile) is one of the characteristic features of the roman domestic urban and rural phenomenon. Pavements participate of the construction of the domestic space and share a close relationship with the house architecture. They are also a key element to understand the spatial organization of every domestic unit.


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How to Cite
Mañas Romero, I. (2008). El pavimento musivo como elemento en la construcción del espacio doméstico. Annals of Prehistory and Archaeology, 89–117. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/apa/article/view/178061