Bullfighting cattle are known for their destination in bullfighting shows. It presents an extensive production system, complemented in some phases of its development by feeding with concentrates and vitamin-mineral contributions. These cattle are not exempt, like the rest of the cattle, from being exposed to heavy metals, considering the potential danger they pose to the food chain. The objective of this work is to evaluate the concentration of heavy metals in fighting bulls, their correlations, and the differences between different livestock areas. In the following study, the concentrations of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were analyzed in 36 fighting bulls aged between 48-72 months raised in an extensive system in the areas livestock from Salamanca, Cádiz, Albacete and Murcia. The results obtained were below the limits established by law except for Cd (0.23 mg/kg of fresh weight) at the muscle level. Correlations of Pb with Cd (CP= 0.487) and Zn (CP= 0.593) at the liver level, Pb and Cu (CP= 0.591) in the kidney, Cu and Zn (CP= 0.517) in the kidney, renal Cd and hepatic Zn were found. (CP= 0.418) and the Cu level in kidney and muscle (CP= -0.483). Animals from Salamanca have a lower concentration of Cd in the kidney and Cu in the liver, those from Albacete have a lower concentration of Cd in muscle and those from Murcia have a higher concentration of Zn in muscle, which could be due to an environmental cause. The fighting bull, due to its long productive age, could be considered an environmental biomonitor.
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