
  • Fernando Carlos Pellegrino Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Carlos Blanco Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Dogs, Focal Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy, Generalized Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy, Combined Focal and Generalized Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy


The aim was to clinically and epidemiologically characterize different types of Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy (CIE).

CIE was analyzed in 258 dogs, diagnosed according to the International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force (IVETF) 2015 criteria (level I). Dogs with <2 years follow up, those that developed interictal neurological signs, and those with an unknown history were excluded. The breeds were grouped by genetic lineage into 5 groups (asian/african origin; terrriers/greyhounds/modern hunters; shepherds; mastiffs; mongrels). CIE was classified in: focal (FCIE); generalized (GCIE); and combined focal and generalized (CoCIE) (International League Against Epilepsy -ILAE 2017). The outcome of treatment was described according to the IVETF 2015 criteria. For each type of epilepsy, the association was analyzed with the variables age of onset, sex, reproductive status, weight, breed, group, and response to treatment, with a significance level of 5%.

GCIE represented 57,36% of the cases; FCIE 30,23%, and CoCIE 12,4%. no significant associations were found for age of onset (median 3 years), or sex (males 58%). significant effect were found for group, breed, reproductive status, weight, and response to treatment. Group 2 prevails in FCIE (total 58,97%, Poodles 29%), followed by mongrels (25,64%) and group 4 (total 8,97%, Labrador retriever 6,41%). Mongrels prevail in GCIE (37,84%), followed by group 2 (total 39,19%; Poodle 26%; Beagle 5,40%). Mongrels represent 46,87% in CoCIE, followed by group 2 (total 43,75%; Poodle 21,87%; Vizsla 6,25%), and group 4 (Cane Corso 6,25%). Poodle is the breed most likely to have FCIE. The proportion of seizure-free dogs (79%) is higher in FCIE, with fewer anti-seizure medications used (83% monotherapy). The weight differs between FCIE, GCIE and CoCIE (median 9.5, 15 and 11 kg, respectively). As weight increases, the probability of therapeutic failure increases. Non sterilized females are more likely to present FCIE (29.5%).


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