The evaluation of the neck in the pre-purchase horse exam: A critical review
The aim of this study was to describe the assessment of the neck in the pre-purchase examination of the horse a critical review. The 5 steps recommended for the pre-purchase exam are: The first stage the physical examination. The second stage consists of walking and jogging assessment. The third stage corresponds to thevigorous exercise phase. The fourth stage comprises the rest phase. The fifth stage consists of a second phase of exercise. The complementary auxiliary exams are: hematological, chemical and serological evaluation. Ra- diographic study: radiological findings of 14 routine RX. Endoscopy: is mainly done to study the throat of the horse. The evaluation of the neck of the horse in the pre-buy exam is described below as non-invasive methods: physical examination of the neck region through detailed inspection and palpation. The morphological exami- nation is performed in conjunction with the assessment of body weight using the chest strap and body condition according to the adiposity protocol described for equines. The distance and the circumference of the neck should be measured with a tape measure. Among the invasive methods we can mention Fine Needle Aspiration, this technique represents a tool for the assessment of the dorsal neck region. The modified biopsy technique of the dorsal neck region in equidae consists of sampling using an adjustable biopsy system. In conclusion we describe the recommended methods and tools available for neck evaluation in the pre-purchase horse test, a critical review.
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