The use of seeds as satiating ingredient: chia and sesame


Keywords: satiety, obesity, fibre, Mediterranean diet


Nowadays, there is a high prevalence of overweight and obesity around the world, so the inter- est in studying the mechanisms that lead the population to an energy imbalance has increased. The control of energy intake is determined by the perception of satiety during and after meals. There are certain foods that, due to their nutritional characteristics (amount of fibre, carbohydrates, protein and fat), can positively influence the appetite (decreasing the desire to eat). Thus, it would be a good nutritional strategy to see which foods have a greater satiety effect. We performed a randomi- zed crossover clinical trial with at least 5-days washout period. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of sesame and chia seeds (due to their large amount of soluble fibre) on satiety. The sample consisted of 18 volunteers. Each one performed the 3 types of breakfasts randomized: (coffee with milk or tea with milk + toast with olive oil and salt) + (yoghurt, yoghurt with chia or yoghurt with sesame). Before breakfast they had to fill out an appetite survey (VAS) and then 7 more (at 15, 45, 75, 105, 135, 165 and 195 min after breakfast). To assess the satiating effect of the seeds, the questions of the VAS directly related to satiety were analysed, and ANOVA was performed. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between seeds.


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How to Cite
Gil-Gallego, M. T., Planes-Muñoz, D., & López-Nicolás, R. (2021). The use of seeds as satiating ingredient: chia and sesame. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 35, 17–30.
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