
  • Juan Ireno Seva
  • J. S. Martínez
  • S. Martínez-Subiela
  • F. J. Pallarés
  • J. J. Cerón
Keywords: Lidia, bull running, haptoglobin, stress


The influence of physical and psychological stress on the concentration in plasma of the acute phase protein haptoglobin (Hp) was studied in 20 fi ghting cows aged 3 to 6 years. Four groups were prepared, the first one or control group comprised livestock with no apparent stimulation. The other groups corresponded to animals of traditional bull running that were sacrifi ced at 30, 54 and 78 h after the end of the spectacle. The mean serum Hp concentration from control fighting cows was 0,093 g/l, while it was 0,13 g/l at 30h, 0,19 g/l at 54 h and 0,5 g/l at 78 h after the end of the spectacle. These results show that in the traditional bull running, Hp concentration is elevated and signifi cant differences are observed at 54 h, although the maximum levels appeared at 78 h. In conclusion, in fighting cows the serum hp concentration was more elevated due to a situation of physical and psychological stress and may be a useful indicator of stress levels in the animal.


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Author Biographies

Juan Ireno Seva

Histología y Anatomía Facultad de Veterinaria Campus de Espinardo Universidad de Murcia

J. S. Martínez

Veterinario Plaza de toros de Cieza Murcia

S. Martínez-Subiela

Medicina y Cirugía Animal Facultad de Veterinaria Campus de Espinardo Universidad de Murcia

F. J. Pallarés

Histología y Anatomía Facultad de Veterinaria Campus de Espinardo Universidad de Murcia

J. J. Cerón

Medicina y Cirugía Animal Facultad de Veterinaria Campus de Espinardo Universidad de Murcia
How to Cite
Seva, J. I., Martínez, J. S., Martínez-Subiela, S., Pallarés, F. J., & Cerón, J. J. (2007). HAPTOGLOBIN AS AN INDICATOR OF STRESS IN LIDIA BREEDING COWS. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 23, 121–127. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesvet/article/view/40641
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