Quality parameters in different botanical origins of honey produced in the Alpujarra


  • María Jesús Periago Castón Universidad de Murcia
  • I. Navarro-González Universidad de Murcia
  • A. B. Alaminos Universidad de Murcia
  • L. I. Elvira-Torales Universidad de Murcia
  • F. J. García-Alonso Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: honeys, quality parameters, botanical origin, sugars, Alpujarra


Honey is a natural substance produced by bees (Apis mellifera) from the nectar of plants. The Spanish market offers different types of honey, which are from several geographical areas and from the nectar of different types of flowers. The physico-chemical parameters of honeys are regulated in the Spanish food legislation, harmonizing with the European Union legislation. The main objective of this study has been to determine the quality parameters of different types of honey produced in the Alpujarra region (Granada, España) and compare with the quality standards defined to the commercialization of honey in Spain. Eight different types of honey were bought in a local supermarket, and were classified according to the botanical origin: avocado, orange blossom, chestnut flower, oak flower, lavender flower, wild flowers, rosemary, and mountain honeys. Sugar composition, water content, total ash and mineral profile, water-insoluble compounds, total acidity, pH and colour were measured in the samples. For the analysis of sugar content, samples showed values according to the legislation, but slightly deviations were observed, for examples, chestnut, oak and wild flowers honeys showed higher content of sucrose and for the sum of fructose and glucose the lower contents were determined in chestnut and oak honeys. However, the moisture content provide a good maturity index for all samples. Total acidity, pH, insoluble solid and ash values were within the standards, and potassium was the most abundant element. The differences observed in the samples for all analysed parameters were mainly related to the botanical origin, because pollen composition determine both organoleptic characteristic and physico-chemical parameters of honeys.


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How to Cite
Periago Castón, M. J., Navarro-González, I., Alaminos, A. B., Elvira-Torales, L. I., & García-Alonso, F. J. (2019). Quality parameters in different botanical origins of honey produced in the Alpujarra. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 32, 59–71. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesvet/article/view/369371
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