Teaching planninf and learning approaches of Health Sciences Students


  • Ana Belén Mirete Ruiz Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: approaches to learning, EHEA, teaching, Health Science Students


The creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has led to the emergence of new conceptions, approaches and a teaching practice in Higher Education. The surface and the deep learning approaches can be employed by the students in this new educational system. Identifying the learning approach used by these students is of high importance, since designing study plans, subjects, teaching guides and new teaching methodologies should consider the student learning approach to avoid academic failures. This work analyzes the learning approach of the students of Health Sciences. The study population was comprised of 445 students and the questionnaire R-CPE-2F was applied for data collection. Results obtained showed that most of the Health Sciences students predominantly use a deep approach, which it´s positive to achieve better academic results according to Biggs’ 3P Model. Likewise, these results should be correlated with the teaching approach used by the staff, to avoid a negative influence on the quality of the students’ learning.


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How to Cite
Mirete Ruiz, A. B. (2019). Teaching planninf and learning approaches of Health Sciences Students. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 32, 31–44. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesvet/article/view/369151
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