
  • S. Lavin
Keywords: cobre, cinc, oligoelementos, ganado vacuno


We carried out a study about the possible deficiency of copper and zinc which could be present in the cattle belonging to the Pardo-Alpina breed and reared in two areas in the N. O. of the mountain located in the region of León. The hay contains there copper and zinc levels that are inferior to the deficiency limit. First, we examine the animals, writing down the symptoms linked to a possible deficiency; afterwards we gather a collection of samples in order to determine their copper and zinc contens. Therefore. we are able to relate them to the concentration of these elements in the diet as well as to the clinical symptoms. The decoloration of the hair around the eyes and snout is the prevailing symptom of the deficiency of copper observed in the sampled area. The animals which present these symptoms cat a diet with copper levels inferior to the minimum needs and have a concentration of copper in the hair inferior to 7 ppm. which is considered as the deficiency limit. This alterations, partly or completely disappears when the cattle is grazing for several months. When adding a mineral proofeader to the food in quantities which are superior to the prescribed ones, the copper levels in the plasma and in the hair as well as those of zinc in the milk and in the hair are significantly inferior to the existent ones when a concentrate is added, even though the proofeaoer has levels of these trace elements which are higher than in the concentrate. Taking into account all the samples analysed, both for the copper and zinc, there are only significant differences in the faeces between the groups of animals that eat food with different concentrations of these mineral elements, so that the determination of the copper and zinc concentration in the faeces can be used as a marker of the level of these trace elements in the diet.


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Author Biography

S. Lavin

Departamento de Patología Médica Facultad de Veterinaria Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
How to Cite
Lavin, S. (1986). CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OR SUBCLINICAL DEFICIENCY OF COPPER AND ZINC IN MOUNTAIN CATTLE. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 2, 73–86. Retrieved from
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