
  • Y. Barcina
  • M. A. Zorraquino
  • J. Pedauye
  • G. Ros
  • F. Rincón
Keywords: preserved milk, azidiol


In order to evaluate the possibility of using the same preserved milk samples for different analysis by milk testing laboratories, it was investigated the use of azidiol (sodium azide/chloramphenicol) as a liquid preservative for chemical, bacteriological and cytological evaluations. Azidiol was added inmediately after milking in half of the samples, the others were used as witness. Analyses were made using an infra-red milk analyzer (Milko-Scan), a Bactoscan and a Fossomatic counter. Life of milk was increased with azidiol as storage temperature was lowered from 20° C to 4° C. Samples for chemical analysis with azidiol could be preserved more than 15 days at 4° C and at least a weed at 20° C. Mean life of samples for bacteriological evaluation in the presence of the preservative varied depending on the temperature of the storage. At 4° C changes were not significant by the Bacto-Scan method and at 20° C milk samples were preserved 3 days (the same time that at 4° C without azidiol). Cytological test gave the same results with and without azidiol when storage temperature was 4° C. However, the mean life of milk with azidiol at 20° C is reduced to 2 days.


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Author Biographies

Y. Barcina

Departamento de Ciencias Socio-Sanitarias Facultad de Veterinaria Universidad de Murcia

M. A. Zorraquino

Laboratorio Interprofesional Villava Navarra

J. Pedauye

Departamento de Ciencias Socio-Sanitarias Facultad de Veterinaria Universidad de Murcia

G. Ros

Departamento de Ciencias Socio-Sanitarias Facultad de Veterinaria Universidad de Murcia

F. Rincón

Departamento de Ciencias Socio-Sanitarias Facultad de Veterinaria Universidad de Murcia
How to Cite
Barcina, Y., Zorraquino, M. A., Pedauye, J., Ros, G., & Rincón, F. (1987). AZIDIOL AS A PRESERVATIVE FOR MILK SAMPLES. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 3, 65–70. Retrieved from
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