Current knowledge of the regulatory hormones in food intake in swine


  • S. Martínez
  • C. Campos
  • J. Madrid
  • J. J. Cerón
  • J. Orengo
  • A. Tvarijonaviciute
  • L. Valera
  • F. Hernández
Keywords: insulin, leptin, ghrelin, swine


This paper is a review about research of insulin, leptin and ghrelin in pigs and their implications in regulation of appetite. Their study could be very important in animal production as they are a source of important information to know metabolic and energetic states of animals. The animals during their growth have different states with their own needs which should be covered with the nutrients intake. The balance between needs and feed nutrient inputs are regulated by central neuronal system through hormones. The hormones involved in feed intake are orexigenic or anorexigenic according their capacity to activate or inhibit feed intake. The most important orexigenic hormone is the ghrelin, which is a «hunger hormone» is high in the fasting state and decreases in serum after feed intake. Leptin, anorexigenic hormone, is thought to be a satiety factor that regulates body weight through modulation of feeding behaviour and energy expenditure and it is directly related to the animals’ adiposity degree. Insulin, besides regulating blood glucose levels, is involved in food intake by interacting with other hormones. However, these actions are affected by many factors as the feeding pattern, the diet composition or the productive stage of swine.


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How to Cite
Martínez, S., Campos, C., Madrid, J., Cerón, J. J., Orengo, J., Tvarijonaviciute, A., … Hernández, F. (2013). Current knowledge of the regulatory hormones in food intake in swine. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 29, 7–22. Retrieved from
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