
  • C. J. Ponferrada
  • J. M. Serrano
  • L. F. Cabanás
  • M. E. Guimera
  • C.M. Cárceles
Keywords: pollos, farmacocinética, silimarina, ( )-cianidanol-3, modelo bicompartimental abierto


Silymarin and (+)-cyanidanol-3 are two natural compounds with markedly antihepatotoxic activity. Each compound was administered separalely by intravenous injection at dose levels of 40.2 and 50 mg/kg of body weight respeclively. The data were adequalely explained by the two-compartment open model and therefore, a two exponential quations was established for each compound: C = 157,18 · e-0.1472-t + 177,12 · e-0.0141-t mg/L y C = 54,08 · e-0.1784-t + 13,57 · e-0.0234-t mg/L The main kinelic paramelers of each compound were deduced fram these equations. It can be concluded that it is the rapid elimination of bolh these drugs that reduces the possibility of their therapeutics use.


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Author Biographies

C. J. Ponferrada

Departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología Fac. Veterinaria Córdoba

J. M. Serrano

Departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología Fac. Veterinaria Córdoba

L. F. Cabanás

Departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología Fac. Veterinaria Córdoba

M. E. Guimera

Departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología Fac. Veterinaria Córdoba

C.M. Cárceles

Dpto. Ciencias Sociosanitarias Fac. Veterinaria Universidad de Murcia
How to Cite
Ponferrada, C. J., Serrano, J. M., Cabanás, L. F., Guimera, M. E., & Cárceles, C. (1991). SILYMARIN AND (+)-CYANIDANOL-3 PHARMACOKINETICS IN CHICKEN. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 95–100. Retrieved from
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