The toxicity induce by hexacarbonated solvents in peripheral nervous system (ciatic. tibial and peroneus nerves) in young chikens one month old, produced by i.p. administration of n-hexane and 2,5-hexanedione during 3 months (5 days/week) has been studied. The 200 mg/Kg of 2,5-HD administration caused a neuroloxic syndrome charactericed by leg ataxia which progressed to paralysis. The dose of 100 mg/Kg of this compound caused slight symploms and the dose of 200 mg/Kg of n-hexane failed to produce any signs.The dose of 200 mg/Kg of 2,5-HD showed. in nervous fibers. axonal paranodal swellings. and lhe bigger myelinic ones were preferably affected. Progressing the intoxicalion period prevailed wallerian degeneration lesions and lhe severity of clinic signs became more nOliceable. Doses of 100 mg/Kg of 2,5-HD and 200 mg/Kg of n-hexane produced axonal swellings more frequently. without strong difference in the severily of the injuries in both groups. The tibial nerve was lhe most affecled. followed by peroneus and cialic nerves in all groups. The distribution of the changes in the nervous lissues suggesl a retrograde spread of the darnage along the nerve trunks.Downloads
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