
  • H. J. Parra
  • Kadiatou kamian
  • Lucie Ayi-Fanou
  • S. A. Akpona
  • H. Ahissou
  • L. T. Yewadan
  • H. Mouray
  • J. C. Fruchart
Keywords: <i>Thryonomys swinderianur</i>, grass-cutter, plasma, lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins, electmphoresis


The grass-cutter, Thryonomys sinderiaruls (TEMMINCK 1827), an african hystricomorph rodent, represents a popular meat, much sought after in Africa south of the Sahara. Unfortunately, breeding of this animal is far from being acceptable in terms of effíiency, probably because of the insufficient infarmation available on its biology and physiology. Lipid and lipoprotein profiles were done on the plasma or serum of 49 male grass-cutters. We showed that: 1. The concentrations of lipids and lipoproteins were a quarter to half the values found in man; 2. The serum lipoproteins could be separated into 4 distinct fractions by discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; 3. The grass-cutter could be classified as HDL mammal; 4. Human and grass-cutter apolipoproteins A-IV, B, C-III, and E carry partial immunological crossr eactivity . Further characterization of the grass-cutter lipoproteins is needed as is the investigation of the role of diet composition on these profiles


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Author Biographies

H. J. Parra

Département de Recherche sur les Lipoprotéines et I'Athérosclérose INSERM U325 Institut Pasteur de Lille France

Kadiatou kamian

Département de Recherche sur les Lipoprotéines et I'Athérosclérose INSERM U325 Institut Pasteur de Lille France

Lucie Ayi-Fanou

Faculté des Sciences et Techniques BP 04-0320 Cotonou Bénin

S. A. Akpona

Faculté des Sciences de la Santé BP 188 Cotonou Bénin

H. Ahissou

Faculté des Sciences et Techniques BP 04-0320 Cotonou Bénin

L. T. Yewadan

Projet Btnino-Allemand d'Aulacodiculture BP 504 Cotonou Bénin

H. Mouray

Faculté de Médecine Tours France

J. C. Fruchart

Département de Recherche sur les Lipoprotéines et I'Athérosclérose INSERM U325 Institut Pasteur de Lille France
How to Cite
Parra, H. J., kamian, K., Ayi-Fanou, L., Akpona, S. A., Ahissou, H., Yewadan, L. T., … Fruchart, J. C. (1996). PLASMA LIPIDS AND LIPOPROTEINS IN THE GRASS-CUTTER, <i>THRYONOMYS SWZNDERIANUS</i>, IN CAPTIVITY. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 43–50. Retrieved from
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