Tendinous chords not inserted in the papillary muscles


  • Camila Ribeiro Leão Faculdades Integradas da União Educacional do Planalto Central. Brasil
  • Thiago Cyriaco Faculdades Integradas da União Educacional do Planalto Central. Brasil
  • Daniela Omar de Souza Faculdades Integradas da União Educacional do Planalto Central. Brasil
  • Nailton Cavalcante da Silva Faculdades Integradas da União Educacional do Planalto Central. Brasil
  • Nader Wafae Faculdades Integradas da União Educacional do Planalto Central. Brasil
  • Cristiane Regina Ruiz Centro Universitário São Camilo. Brasil
Keywords: septomarginal trabecula, goat hearts, anatomy, morphology


The right septomarginal trabecula in goats frequently presents tendinous chords emerging from it. Since we had not observed such great occurrences in any other animal in which we had investigated the trabecula, we decided to conduct this study with the aim of establishing possible relationships with tendinous chords that emerge directly from the interventricular septum. The material used consisted of 32 hearts from non-pedigree goats of both sexes, conserved in 10% formalin. The right ventricle was opened by means of an incision starting at the central point of the pulmonary trunk and continuing through the arterial cone to the right margin. Our results demonstrated that 68.8% of the specimens presented at least one long tendinous cord emerging from the septomarginal trabecula. This emergence occurred predominantly in the third of the trabecula closest to the septum (58.3%) and the cord headed to the septal cusp and attached to its free margin (87.5%). The presence of tendinous chords emerging directly from the right side of the interventricular septum was found in 59.4% of the specimens. These were short, because they were predominantly in the craniodorsal region of the interventricular septum (76.7%). They attached to the septal cusp (96.8%) and headed for the free margin (80%). The presence of tendinous chords in the septomarginal trabecula was unrelated to the presence or absence or tendinous chords in the septum.


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How to Cite
Ribeiro Leão, C., Cyriaco, T., Omar de Souza, D., Cavalcante da Silva, N., Wafae, N., & Regina Ruiz, C. (2009). Tendinous chords not inserted in the papillary muscles. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 25, 105–109. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesvet/article/view/100231
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