Trastornos de audición en perros: revisión bibliográfica y estudio clínico en el Dogo Argentino


  • Fernándo Carlos Pellegrino Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Elizabeth Liliana Pacheco Médicas Veterinarias
  • María Laura Vazzoler Médicas Veterinarias
Keywords: hearing disorders, unilateral deafness, bilateral deafness, Dogo Argentino, prevalence, gender


The Dogo Argentino dog is susceptible to congenital deafness which is thought to be inherited. The condition cannot be treated or cured, but controlled breeding could prevent or minimize the occurrence. In this study, hearing function was tested in 299 Dogo Argentino dogs (138 females, 161 males). Brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) tests were performed using established methods. The preliminary analysis showed that the prevalence of hearing disorders in the tested dogs was 27%, of which 16% were unilaterally deaf, 10% were bilaterally deaf, and 1% showed unilateral reduced hearing. No gender differences were observed. The percentage of affected dogs with unilateral deafness was 60%; in the absence of BAER testing this is the percentage of affected animals potentially available for breeding, and hence worsening the prevalence of deafness because they could be overlooked. Breeding from only tested and proven normal dogs is therefore recommended, and should reduce overall deafness. In our knowledge, this is the fi rst report of prevalence deafness in Dogo Argentino.


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How to Cite
Pellegrino, F. C., Pacheco, E. L., & Vazzoler, M. L. (2009). Trastornos de audición en perros: revisión bibliográfica y estudio clínico en el Dogo Argentino. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 25, 5–20. Retrieved from
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