Desarrollo físico del melocotón Jerónimo (Prunus Pérsica L. Batsch)
A study of the evolution physical parameters of the Jerónimo peach: diameters, volume, weight and sphericity is made. The plot of these parameters versus the days elapsed since fructification, show a line adjustable to a double sigmoid function, being able to observe the three characteristic periods of the development of these fruits. The polynomical equations corresponding to the experimental distribution of the points obtained are estabHshed, so as the Uneal equations relating diameter and volume with the fruit weight. The terms «absolute and relative development intensity» are used, as we find them very significative to explain the physiological phenomena related with the fruit development. Based on the data obtained and from an applied point of view, it is possible to State that the fruit can be collected approximately after 110 days of fructification, as if its separation from the trae is delayed, although it would be possible to obtain a greater size, it is necessary to take into account on the other hand, the possibility that a degradation of their organic compounds may happen.Downloads
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