Dinámica de Mn, Zn y Fe en suelos calizos


  • F. Costa
  • A. Lax
  • L. Reverte
  • T. Hernández


The availability of manganese, zinc and iron is studied, when these are added to typical soils from Murcia, with the view-points of the physical and chemical dynamics and of the clay interaction.

The results may be summarized as follows:

a) If the elements are added in the ionic form, there are a very little movement down in the soil profile. Then it is unuseful to deep root plants.

b) When the elements are employed in the chelated form, it is important the high stability constant of the compounds: EDTA is useful for manganese and zinc, and EDDHA for iron.

c) These chelated compoimds hold the elements in available form in the soil, more than 3-4 monts.

d) The clays play an important role creating an stock of nutrients, in the exchangeable form.

e) The clays also induce partially the migration of elements, by the movement of clay particles in the soils.


