Determinación de insecticidas por crornotografía líquida de alta resolución (CLAR)


  • S. Navarro
  • A. Barbara
  • M.A. Cámara


The analytical conditions for the detemination by high perfoimance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and spectrophotometric universal detector for the organochlorinated insecticides: Aldrin, Heptachlor, DDT, HCH, Endosulfan, Endrin and Dieldrin, and the organophosphorous Parathion and Metylparathion, are stablished. In the Aldrin, Heptachlor and DDT it is possible to determine till 5 ng by coupling two columns of CianoSil X-I and AminoSil X-I. To get determination 10 ng with Endosulfan, Endrin and Dieldrin, the CianoSil X-I column is eliminated. In both cases, the eluent used is n-Hexane, at 3 ml/min flow, 45" C and an absorption reading at 220 nm. HCH can not be determined at residues ranges under these conditions. It is possible to get the same accuracy for the Parathion and Metylparathion, using a CianoSil X-I column and n-Hexane/THF (95/5) as eluent, at a 2 ml/min flow, 25° C and a absorption at 266 nm.


