Contribución al estudio reológico del néctar de albaricoque


  • E. González
  • G. Gúzman
  • A. Corbalán


The rheological behaviour of the apricot nectar has been studied. The equations which bind the shear-stress with the angular rate of the viscosimeter, obtained from the corresponding rheograms, and also that ones which establish the dependance between the apparent viscosity of diluted nectars and the corresponding pulp concentration. Through the study of the temperature influence on the rheological parameters were obtained the corresponding equations of exponential type such as K = K0 • eA/T where K0 = constant which is distinctive for each nectar, T = Kelvin temperature and A = constant, whose value is ΔE/R, where ΔE is the activation energy for the flow and R = Gas general constant.


