Mineralogía de un afloramiento de metabasitas en la fierra del ruerto (Murcia). I. Características generales y estudio microscópico


  • R. Arana Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Murcia.
  • M. Jaén Escuela Universitaria de E. G. B., Murcia.
  • R. Ortiz Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Murcia.


The basic rocks («ophites» or metabasites) of the Sierra del Puert(prov. Murcia) crop out in an intensely faulted zone, forming part of the Ballabona-Cucharón complex (Betic Zone). The metabasites show texture and composition ophitic; in general present several minerals of the magmatic origmal paragenesis (andesine, clinoenstatite, hornblende, biotite, quartz and orthoclase myrmekitic intergrowths, ilmenite and magnetite), with others formed in the alpine metamorphism. Cióse to teotonization processes in this área, a hydrothermal activity is developed with formation of several oxide, sulfide, carbonate and silicate minerals disposed as small lenticular bodies and also as grains disseminated in intrusive rocks or fiUing joints and fractures. In this work we study the field characteristics of metabasites and its mineralogical composition by transmitted and reflected microscopy.


