Los granates del tramo del núcleo de la Sierra de los Santos (Córdoba)


  • F. Pérez Lorente Departamento de Geología Colegio Universitario de Logroño
  • R. Arana Castillo Departamento de Geología Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Murcia
  • R. Arana Castillo Departamento de Geología Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Murcia


The Sierra de los Santos (Sierra Morena, prov. of Córdoba) consists of precambric and paleozoic materials, essentially chloritic schists, limestones and small outcrops of acid and basic igneous rocks. The garnets studied in this work are the only relict minerals from the first metamorphism process developped in this área. X-ray, optical and chemical data of these garnets are reported. They correspond to the piralspite series; finally, metamorphism conditions having given birth to the garnets are discussed.


