La atención a la diversidad en el currículo de Educación Infantil: la prática psicomotriz


  • Josefina Lozano Martínez
  • Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez


development psychomotor, Reform of educational sistem, Special educational needs, Diversity, Currículum, Integratio


The present article resumes a work proposal within the framework of the Refonn of the educational system. The new re-form of the curricular areas which constitute the curriculum for Infant Education allows us to put forward a work plan in which from a psychomotor perspective formulated within psychomotor parameters, the different objetives and contents proposed for this stage are integrated. The model of psychomotor practice which we present enables the children to construct meaningful learning based on their activities of discovery and experirnentation, using their bodies and objects in space and time, thus establishing relationships with the adult and with the other children. We have developed this work proposal as an examplle in the area of Personal Identity and Autonomy within Infant Education.


