El espacio escolar como tecnología ante la reforma


  • José Miguel Visedo Godínez


School space, Didactical tecnology, Reform of teaching, Alternate proposal of school space


The present article looks at the diferent perspectives in Educational theory wich the topic of school space can be exarnined as well as the tecnological implications both demanded and conditioned by its use, from the author's doctoral thesis. It also relates the topic on school space to the educational reform, currently in progress, with a view to emphasize the need of taking into account the education's professionals integrated in multidisciplinary expert teams, in order to untertake yhe desing or reconstruction of public school building. Two basic assuptions contaned in the reform seen to support thls stand: the orientativa nature of the D.C.D. and the cornpulsoriness of school base curricula, which will supposedly lead to a diversificatio of facilities as opposed to the centralised one still prevaling. It does also comparative study between the present law and previous, for the teachers had technicals and legal dates at time to take decissions.


