Autoevaluación departamental: Un caso de investigación cooperativa


  • Nicolás Martínez Valcárcel


Self-evaluation of University Departmens, Critical analysis, Relationships


Any university departament has an idea of what should or should not be the teaching, the research, doubts of how of one has to protect one· self towards the future, the climate for relationships, in short, a departament is alive. Because of this the department of nursing of the University of Alicante decided to carry out a study about what it has become, what it is becoming and what it seeks to be. The fixed objetives have been : creating the specific frame for discussion and debate, developing the rasion d' etre of the critica! analysis of educational reality, cultivation the awareness of the importance of the diagnostic process to utilize and colaborate, so date the climate (relational) of the university student comunity improves day by day and knowing and applying the procedures that facilitate a self -analysis. This article is about these aspects content of this work.


