Antecedentes de la Educación Ambiental en la Región de Murcia en el siglo XX
Mountains protection, trees, the Tree Day, refforestations, nature an school, summer camps for children, Environmental EducationAbstract
Since final years of 19th Century and in the first half of the 20th Century sorne experiences an publications for teaching, advertising an propagation of enviroumental values exist, althoug the pioneer aim was not the same than in the last twenty years -We stablish an inflexion point coinciding with the Belgrado Conference in 1972, where the necessity of the Environmental Education Developing was clearly manifested to people in general and to schoolchildren. To develop This subject we must centre on the figure of RICARDO CODORNIU ST ÁRICO (1846-1923). This man did a very hard work making public an popularizing the defence of life on mountains. Fron this man we know the «Tree Day», explorcrs movements and the reafforestation, specially on Sierra Espuña Mountains (Murcia), and Guardamar (Alicante). In the edueation field the influence of somo institution were very significant, like the «Escuela Moderna» of Ferrer i Guardia, the «Fraternidad lntemational of Education» of Rousseau Institute of Geneve -inscribing this institution in the «Escuela Nueva Movemenl>>-, and finally the «Institución Libre de Enseñanza». Sorne educators from Murcia, primmary school teachers, and the we could clearly define like what we cal! Environmental Education now. Excursions, trips, visits and summer camps for scholchildren are sorne good exarnples.
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