Calidad de vida y vejez: un cambio de perspectiva


  • Alfonso García Martínez
  • Andrés Escarbajal de Haro


quality oflife, oldness, retirement, stereotypes, leisure, intergenerational relationships, social productivity, cultural trasmission


The perspective and dominats strategies in our society about the paper and characteristics of the oldness, impose a strong ballast that hinders the full incorporation of the aged persons to the social life, if it <loes no carry directly to their isolation. Ali this imposes a setback in the configuration of the capable social frameworks of providing positive elements to the quality of life of ali and, specially, of the men and women called 'Third Age'. A population's sector that however goes configuring progressively as the most importan! one in the advanced societies. In this paper is analyzed the current situation and are postulated social and educational issues that permit to configure a new perspective for the oldness.


