Entre el aprendizaje adulto y la lucha por la mejora económica-social: la educación de adultos hoy


  • Margarita Campillo Díaz


Adult Education Models, educatives objectives, teaching process, adult learning, social and economical improving, ideology


The article tries to report the actual state of the Adult Education, reconsidering some of the goals or objetives formuled in its short course. For that it uses the analysis of sorne fundamental concepts (ídeology, social politics, concepts of educatíon ... ) that plays like referencial frameworks that allow understanding the different existing focuses about adult educatíon practice, whíle it contrasts this kind of speech with the classroom dinamics through adult learning. In this approximation to macro and micro, to general and particular, itás claimed the necesity of redefine the objetives, functions and tasks of adult education, as itás suggested by other education models mor in agreement with teaching process nature.


