La coordinación entre el sistema educativo y el sistema público de servicios sociales en la atención a los alumnos inmigrantes no universitarios de la Región de Murcia


  • María Antonia Madrid Izquierdo


From the Magreb, family reagruping process, social integration, compensatory programs, intercultural education, social mediator, immigrant familics, innmigrant women


The students from The Magreb matriculation in Regíon of Murcia Non Universitary Educational Centres has multiplied during the recent years, as a result of the family reagruping process that is being produced becausce of the foreign workers quota approved for Murcia since 1994. This collective social integration goes by the coordinated action between educational svstem. basically in obligatory levels, over compensatory programs guided to children from The Magreb (practice of Arabic and Mosiem religion, mainly), teaching staff training about a real intercultural education so that they will act as transmitters in the classrooms, and the Region or Murcia Social Services Public System. that, by using the social medialor figure (created for it), will be involved with immigrant families, specially with immigrant women (given the important role they play in the cultural values transmision). in order to help the integration process.


