El derecho humano a la educación. Su fundamentación e incorporación a la política educativa española de 1812 a 1931


  • Fernando Vicente Jara


Human Rights, Right to the education, Freedon of teaching, Educative politics, History of education


The right to the education acquires its most proof meaning when it is studied in the fullest side of the Humman Rights and under the light of the Natural Laus. In this sense the investigation whisch is showed; it started with an anthropological reflexion based in the Education as Natural Laus, inlprescriptible, with the double valence of the Right and Duty, with its progresive and historícal demonstration, always in denfence of the Human Digrúty. And, since this point of view the investigation proofs in the integration of the Roght to the Education in the Spatlish Political Educative, which, barn in the first declatations about Humans Rights, it wíll be incorporated to the Spanish constitutionalism and its normative development, shaping in a progresive and historical way our syten in public national instruction.


