Educación desigualitaria: la paradoja de la generalización de la enseñanza


  • Leovigildo Gómez Navalón
  • María del Carmen Sánchez Monserrate


Education, inequality, widening of educatíon, enviromnent, genetics, biological realíty


The retum to the most galloping inequalíty in the most developped societies raises at the same time the problem of unequal education, just after a widened and mass consurnerism of schoolíng. Inequality in all the fields. which is not new. but appears more chocking as Education was presented like levelling, and this occurs at all the levels of the educational system. Therefore a reform of Education is becoming urgent, which should make us more conscious of the trap that may suppose a widening only quantitative of schooling, without taking away other obstacles ( economical and opportunitíes) that block the way to a more egalitarian education


