La diversificación curricular. Posibilidades para una planificación alternativa
Curriculum adaptations, divesity, educative responseAbstract
One of the most decisive facts in the educational development of our country in the last few years, developed by LOGSE, has undoubtedly been the extension of basic education to ten years for all children. This has allowed that all students can obtain their Secondary Educational Certificate, although in certain instances after the necessary cunicular measures. With this aim, LOGSE establishes curricular diversification for certain students older than 16, so that they can get the secondary stage objectives and its co!Tesponding certificate by means of different contents, a different methodology and different subjects. Our intention in this article is to analyse certain conditions for the general development of diversification syllabuses, taking into account the difficulties of the educational centres and the teachers' prospect facing the educational mnovation processes. In this sense, we have a look into the actual reality of diversification programmes in secondly schools in the Region of Murcia, emphasising the structural elements that support theit· deve-lopment. Finally, the point of view the students following this type of prograrmnes is also analysed
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